How We Ensure Quality Is Built Into Your Home

How We Ensure Quality Is Built Into Your Home

July 24, 2023

The exterior of new homes may be attractive, but the construction on the inside truly matters. Legacy Homes understands this ideology and is committed to providing the best possible experience for the families who make their home a Legacy home. 

To do this, we have implemented a framework called System 7™ into our construction process — a proprietary methodology designed to reduce the risk of building defects. This framework ensures quality is built into your home at every layer. 

Ensuring Build Quality With System 7™

System 7™ involves seven distinct phases, each of which must be completed before moving on to the next step. We put detailed checklists and guidelines in place, so any issues can be resolved immediately before they become problems.

Phase 1 is the foundation. If a building’s foundation is poor, the rest of the build is poor. We prepare our building site and pour a concrete slab using meticulous procedures before even thinking about the frame, leading to our next phase: framing. 

In phase 2, framing takes our team’s entire focus. We put all engineered roof trusses, floor joists, and walls in place. Then, we install the rough plumbing and roof shingles. 

Installing all rough mechanical aspects of a home is phase 3 in our System 7™ methodology. We install all HVAC systems and electrical wiring, insulate the walls, and lay brick on the exterior as we perform rigorous inspections and quality control throughout the process. 

Then, we move inside, applying drywall to the walls and ceilings in phase 4 before moving on to phase 5 where we install trim work and apply paint. Paint and drywall impact a home's visual appeal, so we perform these phases with a steady hand and careful eye. 

All cabinetry, countertops, plumbing, and light fixtures are installed in phase 6. We then put all the finishing touches on your forever home in phase 7, completing our System 7™ framework. 

Ask a Legacy Homes team member more about System 7™ or about touring one of our high-quality builds. 

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